Sabtu, 15 Ogos 2009


I think today is a suck day but not really lahh .Tgah sedap² tido tibe² pntu blek ade org ketuk(tok,tok,tok).(sis knock the door).then ,trpkse lahh kne opn ,tah tbe2 nk cri selua plak lam blek,nk jogging la konon .bhahahah .da la ngn ngntok gler and and tdo kul 3am afta onthephone wif him.afta diz,i cnt sleep coz de plak dgr lgu kt lua bkn maen kuat gler .ggrrr .bgn bgn trus bsuh mke .lpas bsuh mke kne la kemas umh(rjin la kononnye)heeee .my sis relax jer ngh o9 .sengal ,bhahahah .tbe2 makk msak,afta finish cook-ing,my mom suh g umh akak ipar anta mknan.mmg pnt gler ,da lahh umh tngkt4 ,tpkse lahh .ggrrr .pegi2 ,relax dlu,coz so tired .5mnit ,my sys call-ing .she call coz sent him at 7e .she wnt hang-out wif her engaged.blek je umh,trus mndymndy pas 2 unnline myspacer 2jam.sometime text wif my superb..iloveyouu lahh sengal .ari ni text ngn dye jerr until now .(:

B.O.R.E.D(cant sleep)

Dahh pkul 2.30a.m still ta ley tdo uh ,but ,im wait-ing someone.heee .still not unnline until NOW .omg .takk de spe lak uh yg nk tman kn .adk pown da sleep .BORED lahh .hurmm

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