Rabu, 30 Disember 2009

miss aleesya

Rndu lar nk kiss2 dye .ag 2mggu bru pat jmpe dye ouh .hmmm .juz dpt tgk gamba dye je .ta pe lah ,jp g i nk 3g dye lahh .leh tgk dye .ily sygg.mmuaackss .


gggrrr ,da tawu aku tak suke kauu pegi tmpat2 cm tu ,tp kau still gak pegi ,pdhal tak bnde pon lau tak pegi,tk de pe an .dr pkol 11 last text smpi la pkol 12 lbih mnuggu .ggrrr ,da la mngantuk gile ,tp bfore tht dah ckp yg i tggu you blik .bukn men lame ag nk tggu pny tggu ,msj dye ckp dah ngntok and nk tdo .then ,mrh2 lak ,aku blasah kang bru tw .that why lar i tak nk kongkong ur life ,tp you nk jgakk cm tuhh .dah pnt i ckp ,tp ,you dgil gakk .so ,now ,you nk wt pe ,you wt lar oke .

Isnin, 21 Disember 2009

come back to school 2010 :)

Huh , skejp je dah skolah ,mlas gile ouh .pe tah ag ,kne bgon pg2 hahhaa ,da la lmbt nk bgn .then ,my dad said ,kne g skol g nek moto wif adek i,sumpa mlas gile la nk bwk g skolh ouh .but ,its okay taun dpn je last skol ,Ggrrr ,nxt year I SPM,so kne lar stdy hard .no sms ,hahahhaa .And my mum lak anta tuition kasturi ,..hurmm ,mlas nye la ,da la jauh .bkn dekat .trnspot kt cntre mrket ssh ouh .ggrrr .Btw ,I`ll try the best for my fmly and my ??? :)(secret)hhahahah .

question about ur relationship .

Selasa, 15 Disember 2009

Aleesya Qistina :)(12.12.09)

Rabu, 9 Disember 2009

Hello blogger :) sorry for the late update and all . There's so much to write but it takes some times so im lazy to write it .hahaha .
N : ..pemberi ciuman yang bagus juga
U : ..disenangi oleh semua orang
R : ..seorang yang lucu
U : ..disenangi oleh semua orang
L : ..pemberi ciuman yang bagus

E : ..memiliki mata yang cantik
R : ..seorang yang lucu
Y : ..disukai oleh sesiapa saja
A : ..seorang yang gila-gila
N : ..pemberi ciuman yang bagus juga
A : ..seorang yang gila-gila

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009


Happy Birthday Ezaty...god bless (:
ari sbtu lpas clbrate bfday ezaty kt mcd lam kul 2ptg..and sometimes skol de plak bt canteen day..Igt an nk g sane nek moto je..mymom lak ckp abh nk anta,its ok la cz straight lik kg perak trus..my mom ckp pack-ing bju trus msok lam kete myvi..t ta yah nk lik umah..lagi pn lik nek kete kak mas .then ,abh anta kt mcd,naek2 je atas,mmbe2 tasya sume ade..smpi2 atas,anta tasha je,then aku igt nak g 7e jp,nk g topp..pegi2,lalu dpn skola,nmpk lak ajeera and mmbe2 dye..salam2 and sembng2 kjp..igt an dye da msok skol,tp lom msok ag,segn lahh kot..aku ckp r msok skli ngn aku,tp kne tggu aku g 7e dlu then msok sme2.aku pn bla dr dorg trus g 7e..jln je ta taw lahh npe ar dak2 pndang aku je..aku wat dek je la,mlas nk layn an..nmpk gk polis dpn skol,cz de bdak2 bru pas gadoh kot..mlas nk amek taw..smpi je 7e and bli topp tok aimy gak trus msok skol ngn ajeera..smpi2 je dak2 skol pndang aku semcm jea ,mybe dorg tak pnh tgk aku xkau tdung kot..bhahahah..suddenly,dgr de org pggil yana ,aku pn pndg,tgk2 ayie and sayid .dorg ckp `wahh yana kauu skg cun doe,lik ngn sape?`aku ckp r `lik sorg je`..bkn men mgtal ag dorg nk anta aku lik ar..xde mkne r weh..ggrrr...then lepk2 jap ngn ajeera ngn mmbe2 dye,smbang,ta taw nk buat pe,then ckp kat ajeera aku lek dlu r n nk g trus mcd..smpi2 je mcd,tgk2 bkn men rmai ag mmbe2 tasha ngh mkn..aku pn pe ag,join ar,hahaahaha...pdahal xde shre pon..heheheheh...dorg plak suh snap2 pixc,snap je la..

Act nothing to say,here some pic (:

Mohd Fitri

Youu..you baik sgtt ngn I since i kenl you until today ..I know u anggap I nie gf youu and and I taw yg Youu syg kat I and nk COUPLE ngn I ryte..tp..

bg I,I takk nk kapel ngn sesape wat mse skg..cz i nk focus to my study first okay..

I hope you can understand me ..

Btw,ramai lgi gurl yg ssuai ngn Youu and better from me..However,I xkn lupe kat youu n relation kite okay..nti if i lek kedah,insyaallah kite MEET okay..Youu salu teman kn i,pe prob I,i salu cter kat u..I taw sjak kblkng ngn nie you pn dahh laen,but..

from there I know what you feel...

you jealous ryte..sbab youu pnah bg taw I g you jeles bler I layan mmber2 i kt myspace kan...dnt wrry ok..


the end (:

Isnin, 19 Oktober 2009

lame takk on blog

Hello blogger :) Woahh sorry for the late update and all . There's so much to write but it takes some times so im lazy to write it :D yeahh as you know im busy right now . School ? Grr , fuck-ing boreddd -____- . Im rarely online & i miss myspace friends HA-HA . Soo , i got final exam dis month , maybe . Omg ! I'm not ready lahh ngek . Huhh malas gile nak study , banyak benda tetinggal rasenye . Mcm mane niy ? -.- Haiyoo , kena buat revision doe . Err about math , act i;m okey with dis subject tapii tulaa malas nak buat revision haihh . Dis week i'm free maybe , cuti sbb budak pmr ryte ? Gahh boringgg ! If rajin i'll start continue mystudy hahaa .

Ahad, 23 Ogos 2009


Hari nie da puase yg ke-2 .tak taw nk wt pe kt umahh .online jer lahh.my cousin pn de gk kt umh.buhsan lahh.takk msj ngn my biee today .cz today ta de credit .imissyouu biee.iloveyouuu dear.sory eyh smlm baby takk tman kn .bby ngntok lahh .soryyy okeyh .biee pose aw ari ni .jangn tnggal2 keyh (:

Malam jp g biee dahh lik kg k.selangor coz tgk kubur mama biee.bby rndu kt biee..bie jgn gedik2 ok biee.jgn lpe kt baby keyh .bby salu igt kt biee .bby xnk khlangn biee.iloveyouuu bieee........

Rabu, 19 Ogos 2009

Boring day

Today he urges hang-out.but I`m not out .lazy and tired today.Even ,examination already near .Better ,I study.I hope u understanding me ok dear .He sulky .hahahah.still angry wif me.Later, we hang-out ok dear.dont touc-ing2 ok .love youu n miss youu dear

Selasa, 18 Ogos 2009

18 ogos 2009

Ari ni bru mle skol blek ,pagi2 ag ase mlas jer nk g skol .btw,kne g skol gk.hmmm.smpi je skol kiss mmbe2(muuahmuuahmuah)heee .suddenly,amoy ask why swollen eye ..oommgg !hahahhaah .nthing lahh moy sayangg .heee .

As usual , going to school . Belajar-belajar , rehat & belajar-belajar then balik.Im not in mood , malas gilaa nak blaja tadi kat skolaa .ngntok .gggrrr .heee .Me,eita,pikah,sopiah,just borak2 & laugh-ing2 ! HAHA , gossip2-ing sudah menjadi pekara biase . rugi nabilah ari ni takk dtg ,heee e.lau de kauu ,huru hara kauu taw .lpas dh bergelak-tawa bersama ! HAHA , Then , 1.10 p.m balik .

Smpi je rumah,tkr bju,mndy2,trus unnline myspacer and and yahoo messengger .suddenly ,i fight-ing with him .gggrr.but,just a while .kuat touch-ing.hahahah .after tht,ok blek .sengal.heee .

Suddenly ,get one message from him ,he wnt break off wif me .so,i accept it .but its ok,we still can be frend .i`m sorry if all this while ever hurt ur heart .thnx for everything ok .I hope ,youu happy are always with beloved people and family ok .dont frget in mind all my message .I always pray happiness for youu .we no more like-minded .I hope you do not hate me :)
wsalam (:

Ahad, 16 Ogos 2009

17th ogos

Today I get up late .bhahaha .coz onthephone ngn dyer .pnas gler tlnge .heeee .
pg2 dye da text,xckup tdo ,huuuu.then,trus unnline ym .seb bek ari ni takk skol.mlas jea ase nk g .bhahahah.after cti bru exam lahh,lmbab pny skolh .ta tw lahh nk writ-ing pe ag .
the end (:

iloveyouu !

If you do post this in the next four minutes the one you love will :
  • Call you
  • Text you
  • Kiss you
  • Love you
Even in my heart,I see
You're not being true to me
Deep within my soul,I feel
Nothing's like it used to be
Sometimes I wish I could,
turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could,so bad, baby...
Quit playing games with my heart
Quit playing games with my heart
Before you tear us apart (With my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
I should've known from the start
Before you got in my heart (From my heart)
Quit tearing us apart (From my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart...

Sabtu, 15 Ogos 2009


I think today is a suck day but not really lahh .Tgah sedap² tido tibe² pntu blek ade org ketuk(tok,tok,tok).(sis knock the door).then ,trpkse lahh kne opn ,tah tbe2 nk cri selua plak lam blek,nk jogging la konon .bhahahah .da la ngn ngntok gler and and tdo kul 3am afta onthephone wif him.afta diz,i cnt sleep coz de plak dgr lgu kt lua bkn maen kuat gler .ggrrr .bgn bgn trus bsuh mke .lpas bsuh mke kne la kemas umh(rjin la kononnye)heeee .my sis relax jer ngh o9 .sengal ,bhahahah .tbe2 makk msak,afta finish cook-ing,my mom suh g umh akak ipar anta mknan.mmg pnt gler ,da lahh umh tngkt4 ,tpkse lahh .ggrrr .pegi2 ,relax dlu,coz so tired .5mnit ,my sys call-ing .she call coz sent him at 7e .she wnt hang-out wif her engaged.blek je umh,trus mndymndy pas 2 unnline myspacer 2jam.sometime text wif my superb..iloveyouu lahh sengal .ari ni text ngn dye jerr until now .(:

B.O.R.E.D(cant sleep)

Dahh pkul 2.30a.m still ta ley tdo uh ,but ,im wait-ing someone.heee .still not unnline until NOW .omg .takk de spe lak uh yg nk tman kn .adk pown da sleep .BORED lahh .hurmm

Khamis, 13 Ogos 2009


Influenza A(H1N1) virus is a subtype of influenzavirus A and the most common cause of influenza (flu) in humans. Some strains of H1N1 are endemic in humans and cause a small fraction of all influenza-like illness and a large fraction of all seasonal influenza. H1N1 strains caused roughly half of all human flu infections in 2006.[1] Other strains of H1N1 are endemic in pigs (swine influenza) and in birds (avian influenza).

In June 2009, World Health Organization declared that flu due to a new strain of swine-origin H1N1 was responsible for the 2009 flu pandemic. This strain is commonly called "swine flu" by the public media.

Rabu, 12 Ogos 2009

my heart will go on .

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're gone

Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life we'll always go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

You're here, there's nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

bored !

This afternoon ta taw nk wt pe .bosan glerr .xtaw nk g mne uh .da lahhh from tuesday until monday cti .coz H1N1 .fuck it ! ggrr!xpat nk meet mmbe2 .missyouuall guys .(actually AMIRA ) .mau o9 ym n myspacer pn ta ley , my boyfiee tak ksi un9 .coz,he sick .so BORED .text him ,but he not rply .so ,juz writ-ing in blog wht i feel now .now ,ta taww mau wt pe ,better go bath first ,then think wht wnt to do .ngeee

My Family

pendek !

this my little sis.her name Nurul Ernatasha .she r very crazy gurll.but ,iloveherr .u r the best my little sys in world .kauu da r byk ckpckp ,kuat memekak,salu fight2-ing ngn aku .touch-ing ngn akuu.pundek lahh kauu .bhahhah .

Selasa, 11 Ogos 2009

07 ogos 09

AL-FATIHAH kpd mom Syafique Hanafi yang kembali ke rahmatullah . Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan dikalangan orang2 yg beriman..aminn. (:

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