Youu..you baik sgtt ngn I since i kenl you until today ..I know u anggap I nie gf youu and and I taw yg Youu syg kat I and nk COUPLE ngn I ryte..tp..
bg I,I takk nk kapel ngn sesape wat mse skg..cz i nk focus to my study first okay..
I hope you can understand me ..
Btw,ramai lgi gurl yg ssuai ngn Youu and better from me..However,I xkn lupe kat youu n relation kite okay..nti if i lek kedah,insyaallah kite MEET okay..Youu salu teman kn i,pe prob I,i salu cter kat u..I taw sjak kblkng ngn nie you pn dahh laen,but..
from there I know what you feel...
you jealous ryte..sbab youu pnah bg taw I g you jeles bler I layan mmber2 i kt myspace kan...dnt wrry ok..
the end (:
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